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School Book Vending Machine

Image: via CNN

Every school needs a book vending machine, don’t you think?  If you are anything like me, a book is a treat. I love to immerse myself in the stories and words. I can get lost in the pages of a book for hours. Literacy is so important not only to adults, but to children beginning to read at a young age

I read to my children daily, and I know how pivotal it is for them to gain access to great reading material. My two children, age 7 and 5 at the time. even helped me author my first children’s book, My Color Is Rainbow. 

Every school needs a book vending machine.

When an elementary school in Buffalo, New York took books as a treat a step further and installed a Book Vending Machine the idea went viral. 


School Book Vending Machine

Image: via CNN

Now other schools are jumping on the trend and installing their own book vending machines like this school in Umatilla, Florida.

Students either get tokens or coins to buy the books from the machines. Some schools use this as a behavior incentive program while others just want to make sure every kid in the school gets a book.

The kids love it. The novelty of “buying” a book from a snack machine hasn’t worn off. I think every school should have a book vending machine! 

You can buy book vending machines exclusively via Global Vending Group. I wonder if they offer home book vending machine version?

Or even residential street ones along the same lines as Little Free Library. 

School Book Vending Machine

Image: Global Vending Group

School Book Vending Machine

Image: Global Vending Group


Agnes Hsu is a mom of three and has been inspiring parents and kids to get creative with easy activities and family friendly recipes for over 10 years. She shares her love for creative play and kids food to her 2MM+ followers online. Agnes' commitment to playful learning and kindness has not only raised funds for charity but also earned features in prestigious nationwide publications.