Make a Wishing Star Bank
Share the rich experience of making a Wishing Star Bank together right now. After creating a beautiful keepsake, the joy of this project continues in discussions to record wishes — and one that you can continue throughout the year. It’s a cozy project for anyone this time of the year and a wonderful way to invite conversation with your children about wishes, dreams and the flow of time.
Rather than a “penny for your thoughts,” make and fill your very, own Wishing Star Bank, with the kids. (And, sure, add a coin here and there – what a fun surprise this will bring when the time comes to open it.) Wishing Star Banks are pretty, creative and thought provoking projects for you to make with your kids. Plus, I bet that you already have the supplies that you’ll need for these around the house!
Follow me below to make and gather your very own little star’s stardust and wishes in a precious little Wishing Star Bank!
– Paper Towel Tube*, cut to size, or Toilet Paper Tubes
– Scissors
– Adhesive: Glue Gun, Masking or Washi Tape
– Duct Tape (optional)
– Cardboard (excellent place to use re-cycled cardboard boxes)
– Pencil, craft paint, paint brush, water for paint
(*Use either Toilet Paper Tubes or Use Paper Towel Tubes that you cut to desired length.)
1. Prepare work surface.
2. Using cardboard, trace 2 circle templates of the paper towel diameter and cut from the card board. Draw a star onto the cardboard that is broader than the paper towel tube and cut one star.
3. Draw sharp end of scissors through middle of one of the circles to create a “coin-sized” length hole.
4. Apply glue with glue gun along the top edge and set one of the circles in place: flip paper towel tube over and repeat this on the other end. Let dry.
(Optional: if you prefer to use tape, this works to attach the ends in place of hot glue.)
5. Stand tube upright with the coin slot on top.
6. Glue star into place.
7. Paint and/or decorate with washi tape.
How to use Your Star Wishing Bank:
Cut strips of paper that will fit into the coin-size hole on the top of the Star Bank and start filling this Wishing Star Bank with their wishes for the New Year.
I loved seeing what the kids had on their minds and I’m sure you’ll share the same discovery and fun.
Continuously add wishes throughout the year and at the years end, you’ll have a wonderful treasure of wishes to open or to save for “one day.”
Gina is a designer and illustrator who lives in Sweden with her husband and 3 kids between the city and the sea. She is passionate about kids and creating and thrives off of creating hands-on projects with them, exploring every corner of imagination; sharing them on her blog, Willowday. While many people imagine that her name is “Willow,” her willow life actually began on the day that she married and took her husband’s Swedish last name, which sounds like the Swedish word for “willow.” You can follow Gina on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram.
Agnes Hsu is a mom of three and has been inspiring parents and kids to get creative with easy activities and family friendly recipes for over 10 years. She shares her love for creative play and kids food to her 2MM+ followers online. Agnes' commitment to playful learning and kindness has not only raised funds for charity but also earned features in prestigious nationwide publications.